Packing your hospital bag for your newborn’s arrival can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be.
I recommend starting early – sometime in your second trimester when you still have energy and can slowly set aside items that you won’t need until after baby’s arrival.
At the very latest, I recommend having your bag packed by 35 weeks to ensure that it’s ready to go in case of a surprise early arrival. After all, babies tend to arrive on their own timeline!
We know that there are so many things on your to-do list when you’re pregnant. Thinking about when to book your maternity and newborn photos doesn’t have to take up too much time. Keep reading below to find out when you should book your Edmonton maternity and newborn photography sessions. For maternity, most moms wait […]
As your maternity photography expert in Edmonton, it’s my job to ensure that we not only document this special time in your life, but that you feel beautiful while we do. At a time when you feel anything but glamorous, I aim to help you see the beauty that your children see when they look […]
One of the greatest parts of my job as an Edmonton newborn photographer is meeting new families and getting to watch them grow. I met Sarah and Bryson on a sunny evening this past Spring as we captured their last session as a family of three (mom, dad and puppy Oreo, of course!) Their maternity […]
I can’t quite think of a better morning than one spent photographing a sweet mama and her babe in a gorgeous studio! Little Mila was having the time of her life, snuggling up on mama, exploring, eating the occasional cheerio and smiling big, beautiful smiles for the camera. Seriously, this St. Albert motherhood session was […]
When I first met this sweet family for their maternity session, I instantly felt like I was spending time with old friends. So when baby Olivia finally arrived, it was such a treat getting to spend the morning with them again, but this time, in their home for their newborn session! Their calm, relaxed nature […]
While home for my best friend’s wedding, I also had the pleasure of photographing this little cutie pie – who happens to be my best friend’s nephew! The Hartman family welcomed their first {human} son into the world just a few days before his auntie’s wedding day, so there was so much to celebrate for […]
Ally and I spent our morning together strolling the lavender fields, playing on the playground by the lake and swapping mama stories in the summer sunshine. We met quite a few years ago in Cold Lake, and have since both become mamas and close friends. She is one of those mom friends who you can […]
On the night you were born, the moon shone with such wonder that the stars peeked in to see you and the night wind whispered, “Life will never be the same.”Because there had never been anyone like you… ever in the world. – Nancy Tillman I had the pleasure of capturing this beautiful family’s first […]
I did so many motherhood sessions over the past few weeks that, while I’d love to share each and everyone, I may end it here just for now. My final session from back home was a sweet one; Maggie was one of the very first people I met in Cold Lake, and it was lovely […]
This session was such a dream to capture! Little Jacob didn’t take his beautiful blue eyes off of my camera and his big brother was such a sweetheart, with the perfect mix of loving up on his baby and showcasing his true, silly self! I loved the sweet outfits that Dinah chose for herself and […]