Ally and I spent our morning together strolling the lavender fields, playing on the playground by the lake and swapping mama stories in the summer sunshine.
We met quite a few years ago in Cold Lake, and have since both become mamas and close friends. She is one of those mom friends who you can ask anything to, and is always up for a photo session {I think this girl loves photography *almost* as much as I do!} So when she asked for a fun motherhood session at the lavender fields, I was so excited! We even braved the harsh sun to capture some portraits with the blooming lavender, and it was totally worth it!
Ally, you are a beautiful mama and friend, inside and out. Thank you for allowing me to capture your sweet love for your precious girls. I loved every minute of it!
Brand and Web Design by Studio Dukesa
copyright © 2025 Kahla kristen photography, Edmonton Newborn Photographer
edmonton newborn photography for sentimental mothers